The fertile Mesilla Valley is known for a wide variety of row crops such as...corn, beans, squash, peppers, watermelons, onions, cabbage, lettuce and much more. Most years a three crop rotation is accomplished within a season. Alfalfa, beardless wheat, and other grasses are all grown for dairy, ranch and horse consumption. Dona Ana is the highest producing County of Pecans. A region of New Mexico that is also known for wine producing capabilities. Per new survey the total acreage is 70.788 less 4.369 uncultivated acreage 66.419 irrigatable. Several large pecan farms nearby. EBID surface irrigation rights and concrete ditches. The natural gas powered irrigation pump needs replacement and the original irrigation well has been tested at 1000 GPM. The amazing view of the Organ Mountains to the east is a big bonus! Owned and lovingly cared for by the same family for approximately 85 years. Big price modification reflects an AS-IS list price.